Ways to Improve Your Attention & Focus

Paying attention is a skill set that our caregivers and educators often try to instill within most of us from an early age. It is for good reason, as being able to focus can help us process what is relevant for what we need to do and sift out what is not. Attention is required in social relationships, work, general thought processes, and focusing on specific senses (like taste or smell).

In the modern world, however, it often seems even more difficult to maintain attention, as we have far more distractions, with the prime offender being our smartphones. In fact, a growing phenomenon is the "phantom buzz", where people imagine cellphone notifications when they don't exist. Additionally, many jobs demand that we utilize different programs and tools, juggling many responsibilities and often various roles simultaneously. This in itself makes it easier to get distracted.

In this blogpost, I have included some exercises and strategies that you can use to hopefully better direct your attention, improving your efficiency and mindfulness in action.

What Can Affect Attention?

Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

What Can We Do to Improve Our Attention?

Stay Resolute

Did you pay attention while reading? It can be challenging to stay focused at times. While writing this blogpost, I must admit, I checked my phone a few times myself. This is to say that improving your attention is a process that takes time and consistent effort. Start small with one or a couple of the solutions suggested; try taking note of your progress along the way. See what works for you. In time and with consistent effort, you will see improvements.

Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

About the Author

Hi there, my name is Peyman Moghimi and I am a recent Psychology (BSc.) graduate from York University. My interests lie in the intersections of religious practice and psychological concepts, as well as learning more about how technology and changes in culture have affected our mental health. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this blogpost! 

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